My Simple Life

Hey here's my simple life: A little bit about me, currently I own a small little sub shop in Chandler, AZ. How did I get to here? Well I use to do morning radio in Phoenix and it was the worst job I have ever had. Before doing radio in Phx, I use to do morning radio in Oklahoma City, Lincoln Nebraska, Des Moines, and Dubuque Iowa. So after getting out of the daily grind of radio I do the daily grind of the sub shop and am happy. If you want to contact me, email me @


Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Store front fun

I've had some fun at the store lately. Let's examine some of my latest fun:

I was a little angry on sunday with some delays that were going on at the stores. Had a huge delivery that had to be out the door at 11:30. Well it was noon and it still wasn't out the door when I called the store. So I called Jennifer's phone in a little bit of a rampage. Here's how the call went down:


Jennifer's phone: Hi, Chris, this is Ashleigh (one of my employees), Jennifer is at the register right now.

Oooops, my bad, ha ha ha

Next phone fun from work. Ok, so I pick up the store and this woman wants to complain about something. Let's pick it up after introductions.

Woman: My sandwich wasn't cut in half and is to big to eat

Me: Was it a half or a whole, cause if it's a half, we don't cut them when they are to go

Woman: No, it was a large sandwich

Me: Hmmm, I'm sorry about that. That rarely will ever happen here, I'm sorry about that

Woman: Well I don't know how u expect me to eat this whole Chibata sandwich (this is a 5" sandwich that is new to the system) like this

Me: Mam, we never cut that kind of sandwich in half, it would create a big mess and corporate asks us not to cut them for carry out.

Woman: Well I think they should be cut in half

Me: Well we will agree to disagree

Woman: Well every other time I come in there they cut it in half

Me: Do you ask them to cut it in half

Woman: Yes

Me: Did you ask them this time to cut it in half

Woman: Well I sent my friend there to get me the sandwich and told her to do this

Me: Well maybe your friend didn't ask for it to be cut

Woman: Well that could of happened

Me: Well next time u come into the store, please ask them to cut them in half and they will do it for you

Woman: Ok, thanks

DUMB F'N woman. Before this call happened, Jennifer told me about a person that came into the store buying a sandwich for a friend and had no real idea what they wanted. So I asked Jennifer if they asked for it to be cut in half, she said no. Bizzo

We also have this one customer that will come into the store with her crazy ass child. Doesn't watch the kid and the kid runs around and shit. Well today she was complaining to her friend that she meets at the store that she had no money. Sure she has no money, but she eats at my damn store everyday!!!! She always has money for fast food for her and her kid. The worst part about this woman is that she will let her kid run wild and he will go to the bathroom and make it his personal playground, while other people wait to go to the bathroom. Ahhh I hate her. Plus today she brought in outside food into the store. I don't mind when a couple or family comes into eat and someone else has a different restaurant with them. But she brought in bottled sode and fucking chips into the store. I almost blew up!!!!

Love the store, hate the people


At 1:37 PM, Blogger Hamms said...

I hear bubble likes it "cut in half"


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