My Simple Life

Hey here's my simple life: A little bit about me, currently I own a small little sub shop in Chandler, AZ. How did I get to here? Well I use to do morning radio in Phoenix and it was the worst job I have ever had. Before doing radio in Phx, I use to do morning radio in Oklahoma City, Lincoln Nebraska, Des Moines, and Dubuque Iowa. So after getting out of the daily grind of radio I do the daily grind of the sub shop and am happy. If you want to contact me, email me @


Thursday, June 23, 2005

Who won't be appearing....

One of the summers hit shows is "Hit Me One More Time" which is where each week 5 old time musical artists come on, sing there hit, then a new song, and then the crowd picks out the winner for that week. Such great acts like Tiffany, Flock of Seagulls, Loverboy, and Haddaway among others have graced the stage.

Here's some bands that won't be appearing on the show "Hit Me One More Time"

Great White: After that whole bar fire thing where everyone died, they haven't been that popular

Milli Vinilli: Well ever since Rob died, Fab can't get the lip synicing on

2Pac: He's not dead, he's just hanging with Elvis and Biggie. It would cut into his golf time and studio recording time. Fool has made more CDs since he's been dead then he was alive

Nelson: That would cut into there numerous gigs that they have all the time in Dubuque. You either get that joke or you don't, sorry.

Grace Jones: Mainly cause she doesn't know her career is over yet. Just ask her, she'll tell you it isn't. Sadly it is

One thing I would like to see them do is make a celebrity show, just bad celebrity singers, here's who I want:

Don Johnson
Eddie Murphy
Dieon Sanders: Damn "Must be the Money" is a piece of shit song!!!
Patrick Swayze


At 10:20 PM, Blogger Hamms said...

you forgot about David Hasselhoff!!!! GERMANS LOVE DAVID HASSELHOFF!!!!! And where is John Tesh? What about Keanu Reeves band?

At 11:55 PM, Blogger The Flounder said...

So many possibilties, but I went with the bad ones. Hasselhoff has skills and can wear leather pants. John Tesh, hmmmm not sure if his music would fit the format. Keanu Reeves could be on the Bad celebrity rock band show, him and Russel Crowe!!!

We could have athlete night:

Cedric Ceballos
Neon Deion
Ron Artest
Allen Iverson
and I'm sure there a ton more, they love to hear how they sound. Pure gold!!!!

At 9:03 PM, Blogger said...

Flounder, don't forget about Oscar de la Hoya.

Some other good choices for your show:
Kevin Spacey
Danny deVito
Val Kilmer
The Bacon Brothers

I would add Brent Spiner, but he's actually a pretty good singer...I found out he was in the original Broadway production of "Sunday In the Park With George".

Where's your shop in Chandler? I could always use a good sub!


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