My Simple Life

Hey here's my simple life: A little bit about me, currently I own a small little sub shop in Chandler, AZ. How did I get to here? Well I use to do morning radio in Phoenix and it was the worst job I have ever had. Before doing radio in Phx, I use to do morning radio in Oklahoma City, Lincoln Nebraska, Des Moines, and Dubuque Iowa. So after getting out of the daily grind of radio I do the daily grind of the sub shop and am happy. If you want to contact me, email me @


Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Really boring life lately, but sometimes that's a good thing. Came home last night from a corporate meeting and once I got home I noticed that jennifer really doesn't know how to park her car. She parked almost in the middle of the garage. Granted there was enough room for me to park my car, I just couldn't open the door once I got it in. So I pulled the car out and told Jennifer to nudge her car over. So she starts out on the left hand side, pulls her car out, moves to the right hand side of the garage and doesn't the exact same parking job, in the middle. So I just told her to leave her car there and that I'd park outside. Ugh!!!!

Lost is on tonight and I can't wait to see it. It's a drug, it really is.

So there was this big gambling bust that's going to charge a Phoenix Coyotes coach with running it. Also it comes out that Janet Jones, Wayne Gretzky's wife. Yeah, she's the one who's betting on the games. I can imagine she's a hard core gambler cause she sure isn't getting ready for America Anthem 2. Come on, read through it, Wayne's doing the gambling and throwing his wife under the bus. He really is the great one.


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