My Simple Life

Hey here's my simple life: A little bit about me, currently I own a small little sub shop in Chandler, AZ. How did I get to here? Well I use to do morning radio in Phoenix and it was the worst job I have ever had. Before doing radio in Phx, I use to do morning radio in Oklahoma City, Lincoln Nebraska, Des Moines, and Dubuque Iowa. So after getting out of the daily grind of radio I do the daily grind of the sub shop and am happy. If you want to contact me, email me @


Thursday, June 30, 2005

Dancing with the Stars Results 6/29

What can I say about this show. It has just a little goofy feeling to it, but the thing is, nothing changes on it. To the non educated like me, all the dances kind of look the same to me, maybe just a little different. To the educated, they look different.

The problem is, most of america is uneducated when it comes to dance, hey I'm one of those people I can say this. Well what happens is, you see the same thing, week after week and in time in becomes old. Don't get me wrong, it's fun to watch the show cause it is just campy, but does everyone think like me, probably not. I just hope ABC doesn't whore the show out a ton cause it would bomb in time.

What happened last night, yikes we have an upset!!!!! I said from the start that the finals would be Joey McIntyre and John O'Hurley (Petterman). They both had the look and had the dancing down. The person I thought would be out the first week was the little rocket of a body, Kelly Moraco. Well sure enough, she makes it to the finals along with John. Joey got kicked off!!!! But don't worry, it sounds like everyone is coming back next week to have one last dance. So we get to see Evander Holyfield cut the rug 1 more time, just no Trista, please!!!!!


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