My Simple Life

Hey here's my simple life: A little bit about me, currently I own a small little sub shop in Chandler, AZ. How did I get to here? Well I use to do morning radio in Phoenix and it was the worst job I have ever had. Before doing radio in Phx, I use to do morning radio in Oklahoma City, Lincoln Nebraska, Des Moines, and Dubuque Iowa. So after getting out of the daily grind of radio I do the daily grind of the sub shop and am happy. If you want to contact me, email me @


Friday, December 10, 2004

Slow day till............

Blahhhhh nothing really to exciting happened today until I was on my way home from work and figured I would stop at Albertsons. Well I got there and was searching for a parking spot and then all of a sudden I see a woman dancing like she was a stripper in the middle of the parking lot??? WTF??!?!?!??!!!! Ok, so I park and she's moved a little bit, but she is still dancing, damn!!!!!! And no in advance, she isn't a solid pueter dancer, if u don't get this, don't ask. So I move on into the store and I realize that I must of looked like a complete stoner at albertsons, I was tired, but it probably looked like I was baked. So I bought some zingers, to get over the munchies, and also some diet coke with lime, to cure my cotton mouth. Also big news about albertsons, I think it might be the last place in the world that you can buy Pepsi twist (with lemon). Remember when all the sodas were with lemon. Coke, diet coke, pepsi, and diet pepsi. Well as fast as we had it, it was joining such other great ideas as new coke, clear pepsi, blue pepsi, and pepsi free. But Pepsi Twist is still at albertsons, so if u need some, buzz me and I will try and hook u up!!!!

My Current Mood: I feel like dancing, the albertsons crazy woman inspired me


At 12:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you sure it wasn't GiGi from the Solid Pewter Dancers?

At 10:54 PM, Blogger The Flounder said...

Nope and it wasn't chi-chi either. I could never forget her


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