My Simple Life

Hey here's my simple life: A little bit about me, currently I own a small little sub shop in Chandler, AZ. How did I get to here? Well I use to do morning radio in Phoenix and it was the worst job I have ever had. Before doing radio in Phx, I use to do morning radio in Oklahoma City, Lincoln Nebraska, Des Moines, and Dubuque Iowa. So after getting out of the daily grind of radio I do the daily grind of the sub shop and am happy. If you want to contact me, email me @


Monday, August 07, 2006


Why do I post boring ass shit most of the time??? What you don't want to hear about Big Brother All Stars of stuff like that? Well get over your bad self and realize that I'm really a fucking boring person, and yes, I am ok with that. I don't feel the need to be around a ton of people all the time. Talking to someone once a week or such is good enough for me. Most of the time people bore me and I'd rather not be around them.

I don't have to much thrilling stuff to post cause I usually hold the really personal stuff inside cause who the fuck are you to know about what's really going on in my life. I let you peak into the boring life that I have, but I don't let you in. I rarely let anyone in. It's nothing against anyone that I don't let them in, I just don't, it's the way I am.

Here's my real exciting life:
Pick up something for dinner, cause I never cook at home, I've got the rotation of chinese place, mexican place, jack in the box, church's, popeyes, and arby's down real good. I think it's either a churchs or mexican night.
Then get home, cuddle with my dogs and watch some tv that in most case I've tivo'd
Go to bed
And repeat

Granted I will throw in some online gaming every once in a while, but that's it kiddos

That's my life, real fucking crazy hey???? I can barely control myself!!!

Oh btw, the Home Owners Association approved our landscaping design. Can't wait to spend 13k on my new front and back yard. Sad isn't it?


At 4:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Feels like an Arbys night


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